

E-mail: yxxiang@ecust.edu.cn

职称: 教授,博士生导师;国家杰青(2020)、国家优青(2016)。研究生招生专业:博士招生专业:080703动力机械及工程、080202机械电子工程、机械专业工程博士;硕士招生专业:080706化工过程机械、080202机械电子工程



















[1] 国家重大科研仪器研制项目:“高温合金损伤演化非线性超声表征与分析仪器研制”,项目负责人,批准号:12327807,2024-2028;

[2] 国家重点研发计划项目:“高温蠕变无损检测与损伤状态评价技术研究及应用”,项目负责人,批准号:2022YFF0605600,2022.10-2026.03;

[3] 国家自然科学基金杰青项目:“非线性超声理论及应用”,项目负责人,批准号:12025403, 2021-2025年;

[4] 国家自然科学基金NSAF国家安全联合基金重点项目:“多层复杂结构状态的电磁超声相控阵检测方法研究”,项目负责人,批准号:U1930202,2020-2023年; 

[5] 国家重点研发计划课题:“严苛环境下安全性能衰退在线感知和失效预警”,课题负责人,批准号:2018YFC0808806,2018-2021;

[6] 国家自然科学基金优青项目:“非线性超声导波”,项目负责人,批准号:11622430, 2017-2019年;

[7] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“基于非线性超声导波混频的结构塑性损伤定位及表征方法”,项目负责人,批准号:11774090, 2018-2021年;

[8] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“微细观尺度下材料蠕变行为的非线性兰姆波评价理论与表征方法”,项目负责人,批准号:11474093,2015-2018年;

[9] 装备预研教育部联合基金项目:“极端条件服役结构健康监测方法及系统”,项目负责人,2018-2019年。


     [1].       Zhiyuan Zhao, Lishuai Liu*, Wen Liu, Da Teng, Yanxun Xiang*, Fu-Zhen Xuan. Discretized tensor-based model of total focusing method A sparse regularization approach for enhanced ultrasonic phased array imaging. NDT&E International, 2024, 141: 102987.

     [2].       Haiming Xu, Lishuai Liu*, Xuan Li, Yanxun Xiang*, Fu-Zhen Xuan. Wavefield imaging of nonlinear ultrasonic Lamb waves for visualizing fatigue micro-cracks. Ultrasonics, 2024, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultras.2023.107214.

     [3].       Xuan Li, Lishuai Liu*, Haiming Xu, Zheng Hu, Yanxun Xiang*, Fu-Zhen Xuan. Lamb wave phased array imaging based on phase-amplitude compounding algorithm. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2023, 205: 110882.

     [4].       Xunlin Qiu, Yuji Liu, Chengyuan Wu, Yanxun Xiang*, Fu-Zhen Xuan, and Reimund Gerhard. More efficient charging of ferroelectrets via tuning of the Paschen breakdown. Applied Physics Letters, 2023, 122: 092902.

     [5].       Lishuai Liu, Wen Liu, Da Teng, Yanxun Xiang*, and Fu-Zhen Xuan. A multiscale residual U-net architecture for super-resolution ultrasonic phased array imaging from full matrix capture data. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 2023, 154 (4): 2044-2054.

     [6].       Yazhu Bai, Ailing Song*, Chaoyu Sun, Yanxun Xiang*, and Fu-Zhen Xuan. Broadband sound focusing with tunable focus based on reconfigurable acoustic coding metagrating. Applied Physics Letters, 2023, 122: 261705.

     [7].       Peng Wu, Lishuai Liu*, Yanxun Xiang*, Fu-Zhen Xuan. Data-driven time-frequency analysis of nonlinear Lamb waves for characterization of grain size distribution. Applied Acoustics, 2023, 207: 109367.

     [8].       Da Teng, Lishuai Liu, Yanxun Xiang*, Fu-Zhen Xuan. An Optimized Total Focusing Method based on Delay-Multiply-and-Sum for Nondestructive Testing. Ultrasonics, 2023, 128: 106881.

     [9].       Haiming Xu , Lishuai Liu*, Jichao Xu , Yanxun Xiang* and Fu-Zhen Xuan. Deep learning enables nonlinear Lamb waves for precise location of fatigue crack. Structural Health Monitoring, 2023, DOI: 10.1177/14759217231167076.

   [10].     Wenfa Zhu, Yanxun Xiang*, Haiyan Zhang*, Mengke Zhang, Guopeng Fan and Hui Zhang. Super-resolution ultrasonic Lamb wave imaging based on sign coherence factor and total focusing method. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2023,

   [11].     Di Sun, Wujun Zhu*, Xunlin Qiu, Lishuai Liu, Yanxun Xiang*, Fu-Zhen Xuan. Nonlinear Ultrasonic Detection of Closed Cracks in Metal Plates with Phase-Velocity Mismatching. NDT&E International, 2023, 135: 102788.

   [12].     Chaoyu Sun. Topological Fano resonance of symmetric Lamb wave induced by antisymmetric trapped mode. AIP Advances, 2023,

   [13].     Ailing Song, Chaoyu Sun, Yanxun Xiang*, Fu-Zhen Xuan. Simple acoustic metagrating for perfect two- and three-beam splitting. Frontiers in Materials, 2023, DOI 10.3389/fmats.2023.1127233.

   [14].     Xinfeng Guo, Wujun Zhu , Xunlin Qiu and Yanxun Xiang*. A Lorentz Force EMAT Design with Racetrack Coil and Periodic Permanent Magnets for Selective Enhancement of Ultrasonic Lamb Wave Generation. Sensors, 2023, 23: 96.

   [15].     Ning Pei, Yanxun Xiang*. Torsional damage analysis for pre-delaminated carbon glass fiber-reinforced hybrid laminates based on acoustic emission. Applied Acoustics, 2023, 202: 109181.

[16]. Taotao Ding, Ailing Song*, Chaoyu Sun, Yanxun Xiang*, and Fu-Zhen Xuan. Mode conversion of Lamb waves in a composite phononic crystal plate numerical analysis and experimental validation. Journal of Applied Physics, 2022.

[17].  WenFa Zhu, Yanxun Xiang*, HaiYan Zhang, Yao Cheng, GuoPeng Fan, Hui Zhang. Research on ultrasonic sparse DC-TFM imaging method of rail defects. Measurement, 2022, 200: 111690.

[18].  Xunlin Qiu*, Yuqing Bian, Jiawen Liu, Yanxun Xiang*, Taotao Ding, Wujun Zhu, Fu-Zhen Xuan. Ferroelectrets: Recent developments. IET Nanodielectrics, 2022, DOI: 10.1049/nde2.12036.

[19].  Ailing Song, Chaoyu Sun, Yazhu Bai, Yanxun Xiang*, Fu-Zhen Xuan. Reconfigurable acoustic metagrating for multiple anomalous wavefront manipulation functionalities. Physics Letters A, 2022, 453: 128477.

[20]. Lishuai Liu, Peng Wu, Yanxun Xiang*, and Fu-Zhen Xuan. Autonomous characterization of grain size distribution using nonlinear Lamb waves based on deep learning. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 2022, 152 (3): 1913-1921.

[21]. Lishuai Liu, Di Sun, Yanxun Xiang*, and Fu-Zhen Xuan. Deep learning-based solvability of underdetermined inverse problems in nonlinear ultrasonic characterization of micro damages. Journal of Applied Physics, 2022, 132, 144901.

[22]. Ben Li, Hongyan Zhou, Yanxun Xiang*, Wujun Zhu. Evaluation of preparation quality and wear state of TC4-based self-lubricating composite based on Lamb wave. Materials Today Communications, 2022, 31: 103722.

[23]. Taotao Ding, Qiang Wan, Yanxun Xiang*, Xunlin Qiu*, Mingxi Deng and Fu-Zhen Xuan. Selectable single-mode guided waves for multi-type damages localization of plate-like structures using film comb transducers. Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1080/10589759.2022.2071890.

[24]. Han Chen, Mingxi Deng*, Guangjian Gao, Caibin Xu, Ning Hu, Yanxun Xiang*. Characterization of interfacial property of a two-layered plate using a nonlinear low-frequency Lamb wave approach. Ultrasonics, 2022, 124: 106741.

[25]. Lishuai Liu, Chenjun Guo, Yanxun Xiang*, Yanxin Tu, Hongwei Mei, Liming Wang and Fu-Zhen Xuan. Health Monitoring of RTV Silicone Rubber Coating on Insulators Based on Multimode Features of Active Infrared Thermography. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2022, 71: 4502609.

[26]. Chaoyu Sun, Ailing Song*, Yanxun Xiang*, Fu-Zhen Xuan. Multifunctional phononic crystal filter for generating a nonlinear ultrasonic guided wave. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 2022, 55(26): 265104.

[27].  Ailing Song, Chaoyu Sun, Yanxun Xiang*, and Fu-Zhen Xuan. Switchable acoustic metagrating for three-channel retroreflection and carpet cloaking. Applied Physics Express, 2022, 15: 024002.

[28]. Jianying Tang, Wujun Zhu, Xunlin Qiu, Ailing Song*, Yanxun Xiang*, Fu-Zhen Xuan. Non-contact phase coded excitation of ultrasonic Lamb wave for blind hole inspection. Ultrasonics, 2022, 119: 106606.

[29].  Lishuai Liu, Chenjun Guo, Yanxun Xiang*, Yanxin Tu, Liming Wang, and Fu-Zhen Xuan. Photothermal Radar Shearography A Novel Transient-Based Speckle Pattern Interferometry for Depth-Tomographic Inspection. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022, 18(7): 4352.

[30].  Lishuai Liu, Chenjun Guo, Yanxun Xiang*, Yanxin Tu, Liming Wang, and Fu-Zhen Xuan. A Semisupervised Learning Framework for Recognition and Classification of Defects in Transient Thermography Detection. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2021, DOI 10.1109/TII.2021.3101309.

[31].  Jichao Xu, Wujun Zhu, Yanxun Xiang*, Yang Gao and Xunlin Qiu. Localization and Imaging of Micro-Cracks Using Nonlinear Lamb Waves with Imperfect Group-Velocity Matching. Applied Science, 2021, 11: 8609.

[32].  Wujun Zhu, Zisheng Xu, Yanxun Xiang*, Changjun Liu*, Mingxi Deng, Xunlin Qiu, Di Sun, Fuzhen Xuan. Nonlinear ultrasonic detection of partially closed cracks in metal plates using static component of lamb waves. NDT&E Int. 2021, 124: 102538.

[33]. Taotao Ding, Wujun Zhu*, Congyun Ma, Yanxun Xiang*, Mingxi Deng, Fu‑zhen Xuan. Influence of cyclic‑loading induced fatigue micro‑crack growth on generation of nonlinear ultrasonic Lamb waves. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 2021, 40: 62, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10921-021-00792-8.

[34].  Han Chen, Mingxi Deng*, Guangjian Gao, Ning Hu, Yanxun Xiang*. Modeling and simulation of static component generation of Lamb wave propagation in a layered plate. Ultrasonics, 2021, 116: 106473.

[35].孙迪, 朱武军, 项延训*, 轩福贞. 微裂纹的非线性超声检测研究进展. 科学通报, 2021, doi: 10.1360/TB-2021-0798.

 [36]. 宋爱玲, 孙超彧, 陈天宁, 项延训, 轩福贞. 声学超表面的非对称声分束特性研究. 人工晶体学报. 2021, 50(7): 1363-1371.

[37]. 银信, 朱武军, 孙茂循, 项延训, 邓明晰, 轩福贞. 裂纹尖端塑性区非线性超声混频定位表征. 声学学报, 2021, 46(3): 463-470.

网页发布时间: 2023-01-07